Saturday, July 17, 2010

Happy Birthday, Ethan!

One year ago today, God granted our family with a healthy, beautiful baby boy. We can't believe that it has already been a year since Ethan came into this world.

I remember going to the hospital and being in labor as if it were yesterday, but I can't seem to remember the actual pain I felt throughout labor and delivery. Thank God for that!

The past year has been amazing. We've watched Ethan grow, step by step, reaching a milestone at a time, simply in awe of how God created him, of how God created life. When we first brought Ethan home, we kept looking at him and thinking "wow! he came out of me?!?" It was unbelievable at first to see him as a small human being, knowing that he once was a spot on the ultrasound with a beating heart! And for the first time, we understood God's love for us in another level, because we had this unconditional, immeasurable love for our son.

A year ago, Ethan would eat, sleep, pee/poop and cry when he needed something. Now, he can crawl and cruise around everywhere, play on his own with his toys, eat finger foods by himself, babble like he's having a conversation with you, smile and laugh all day long, and sleep through the night.

God has truly blessed our family and we are forever grateful.

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